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235 S Green St. Somonauk, IL 60552 815-498-3667

St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church



St. John's is an outward-looking church. We believe that Christ calls us to do his work in the world. Most of the people of St. John's live out their faith by personal involvement in one or more of our ministries.

Our current ministries include:

CROP Walk for Hunger
Growing Hope
Habitat for Humanity
House of the Little Ones in Cuzco, Peru
Ketumbeine Secondary School
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
Lutheran World Relief Projects

     Baby Care Kits
     Fabric Kits
     Personal Care Kits
     School Kits
Warehouse Mission Trips 

Lutherdale Bible Camp
Meals on Wheels
Northern Illinois Food Bank
Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans
Oaks Indian Mission in Oklahoma
Our Sharing Pantry
Partners in Mission in Uganda
Prison Ministry at Stateville Prison
Safe Passage Women's Shelter





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